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Tiny utilities by Douglas Scofield

Tiny scripts that work on a single column of data. Some of these transform a single column of their input while passing everything through, some produce summary tables, and some produce a single summary value. All (so far) are in awk, and all have the common options header=0 which specifies the number of header lines on input to skip, skip_comment=1 which specifies whether to skip comment lines on input that begin with #, and col=1, which specifies which column of the input stream should be examined. Since they are awk scripts, they also have the standard variables for specifying the input field separator FS="\t" and the output field separator OFS="\t". Default output column separator is"\t".

Set any of these variables by using key=value on the command line. For example to find the median of the third column of numbers, when the first 10 lines of input are header:

$ median col=3 header=10 your.dat

Stick these in a pipeline that ends with spark for quick visual summaries. If indels.vcf.gz is a compressed VCF file containing indel calls, then this will print a sparkline of indel sizes in the range of ±10bp:

$ zcat indels.vcf.gz \
| stripfilt \
| awk '{print length($5)-length($4)}' \
| inrange abs=10 \
| hist \
| cut -f2 \
| spark

We get the second column of hist output because that's the counts. This clearly shows the overabundance of single-base indels, and a slight overrepresentation of single-base deletions over insertions.


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