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Manipulating the output from a genome analysis - vcf and gff

Problem formulated and presented at the workshop by Jonas Söderberg,
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Molecular Evolution

We have a comparison between a number of different fly cell lines. These are found in a huge vcf file (dgrp2.vcf). We also have the annotations in a gff3 file (Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.28.101.chr.gff3) and the genome itself in a fasta file.

Getting the RAW files

The annotation of the fly genome:

Find the GFF3 here.

The genome sequence used in this project:

The genome is located here.

The comparison of all the variants in the cell lines in the freeze project

Finally, here is the VCF file.

Starting to work with the data

Let's say we want to find out all genes that contains a variant and all variants that are located within a gene. What do we want to do first? Take a look at the vcf file. That is the one that contains all the variants. Then look at the gff file, which contains the genes and other annotations. Finally, take a look at the DNA sequence. You will need to combine all three to answer the question. Also, to make this faster, lets just look at chromosome 4, which means we have to extract that data as well.

What do we need to get

  • Files containing only chromosome 4
  • Positions for SNPs and INDELs
  • Positions for genes and CDSs
  • Separation of variants (SNPs and INDELs) into two groups, inside and outside genes (and CDSs)
  • Separation of genes/CDSs into those with and without variants (and maybe how many there are per gene)

Tips before starting

  • For readability of the vcf file:

awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9}' dgrp2.vcf > dgrp2_trimmed.vcf &

  • If your awk takes too long to run (10h or so) - Make sure you have the latest awk, and also you might want to think about parallelisation.
  • My solutions also work for files with more than one chromosome, so in some cases they are longer than needed for your exercise. I left it so on purpose.
  • SNPs and INDELs are collectively named variants
  • Genes and CoDing Sequences (CDSs) are sometimes just collectively called genes

The exercise

Identify the steps you need to do and what each step does. Open the hints if you get stuck.

Chromosome 4

Hint, what do we need?

Extract chr4 from the vcf and the gff and make new files


All lines from chromosome 4 start with a 4


awk '/^4/{print $0}' Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.28.101.gff3 > Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4.gff3

awk '/^4/{print $0}' dgrp2_trimmed.vcf > dgrp2_chr4.vcf

Follow-up task:

Count and sort the different genomic features in chromosome 4 by number.

Task result example
   1 chromosome
   1 snoRNA
   2 pre_miRNA
   7 pseudogene
  11 pseudogenic_transcript
  26 ncRNA_gene
  31 ncRNA
  79 gene
 295 mRNA
 338 three_prime_UTR
 571 five_prime_UTR
2740 CDS
3155 exon


Hint, which output do we want?

Get distribution of variants and list them in two separate files. For a bonus plot of the lengths of the INDELS, get the length of all INDELS into a third file


Remove lines beginning with # (grep)


If columns 4 and 5 have different length, it's an INDEL. Otherwise it's a SNP.


You want the output to be a file with columns 1, 2, 4 and 5, a classifier (SNP or INDEL) and finally the length of the INDEL (put "-" for the SNPs)


cat dgrp2_chr4.vcf | grep -v "#" | awk '{if (length($4)>1||length($5)>1){a="INDEL";b=length($4)-length($5);cnt[b]+=1;} else {a="SNP";b="-";} printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, a, b, $4, $5) > "indels_Drosophila_chr4";}END{for (x in cnt){print x,cnt[x] > "distr_Drosophila_chr4"}}'
cat dgrp2_chr4.vcf | grep -v "#" | ./indels.awk

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
    if (length($4)>1||length($5)>1){
printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, a, b, $4, $5) > "indels_Drosophila_chr4";

    for (x in cnt){
        print x,cnt[x] > "distr_Drosophila_chr4"
Solution proposed by Loïs Rancilhac - 2022.08.30

awk '/_SNP/ {SNP++; print $0 > "chr4_SNPs.vcf"} /_DEL/ {DEL++; print $0 > "chr4_DEL.vcf"; LENGTH=length($4)-length($5); print LENGTH > "Deletions_lengths.txt"} /_INS/ {INS++; print $0 > "chr4_INS.vcf"; LENGTH=length($5)-length($4); print LENGTH > "Insertions_lengths.txt"} END{print "SNPs: "SNP"\nInsertions: "INS"\nDeletions: "DEL}' chr4.vcf

Follow-up task:

Print nucleotide substitution that these SNPs introduce sorted by number. Remember the coins...

Task result example
1182 C->T  
1133 G->A  
 932 A->G  
 929 A->T  
 892 T->A  
 880 T->C  
 639 G->T  
 621 C->A  
 436 A->C  
 396 T->G  
 372 G->C  
 357 C->G

Genes with variants

Hint, how do we get those?

Compare back and separate the annotation into features that do and don’t have variants. For a bonus, also record the number of variants in each feature


Make an index using the previous output to identify positions of variants


For each feature in the gff, check all position it covers to see if they are in your index, if so print to one file. If not, print to another.


awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1,$2]="T"; next}{ hits=0; for(N=$4; N<=$5; N++) { if (a[$1,N] == "T") {hits+=1}} if (hits>0) {print hits "\t" $0 > "haveSNPINDEL_Drosophila_chr4.gff"} else {print $0 > "noSNPINDEL_Drosophila_chr4.gff"}}' indels_Drosophila_chr4 Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4.gff3
./genes_var.awk indels_Drosophila_chr4 Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4.gff3

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

    for(N=$4; N<=$5; N++) {
        if (a[$1,N] == "T") {
    if (hits>0) {
        print hits "\t" $0 > "haveSNPINDEL_Drosophila_chr4.gff"
    else {
        print $0 > "noSNPINDEL_Drosophila_chr4.gff"

Follow-up task:

Count and sort the SNPs and INDELs in your output and compare to the output from the first step. (If you want to separate the results for the SNPs and the INDELs, how would you modify your code?)

Task result example
   1 chromosome
   1 pre_miRNA
   1 snoRNA
   6 pseudogene
   9 pseudogenic_transcript
  22 ncRNA_gene
  28 ncRNA
  79 gene
 264 three_prime_UTR
 290 five_prime_UTR
 295 mRNA
1798 CDS
2181 exon

Genes/CDSs only

Hint, what features do we look for?

Filter for genes and CDSs before doing the analysis.


Only genes and CDSs are interesting to us. Make a gff without the rest of the features.


awk '$3 ~ /gene|CDS/' Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4.gff3 > Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4_genesCDSs.gff3

Final list of variants

Hint, how do we classify the variants?

Repeat step 3 for the SNPs/INDELs themselves, to see which are actually located inside genes


Make an index of all genes/CDSs (from your gff), where start and stop are paired


For each feature from your step 2 file, check the position against the index and print whether or not the variant is inside a gene.


awk 'FNR==NR{ingene[$1,$4]=$5; next}{state="Not in gene";for (pair in ingene) {split(pair, t, SUBSEP); if ($1==t[1] && $2>=t[2] && $2<=ingene[t[1],t[2]]) {state=(t[1] " " t[2] " " ingene[t[1],t[2]])}} print $0, " ", state }' Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4_genesCDSs.gff3 indels_Drosophila_chr4 > SNPsInGenes_Drosophila_ch4
./varlist.awk Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4_genesCDSs.gff3 indels_Drosophila_chr4 > SNPsInGenes_Drosophila_ch4

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

    state="Not in gene";
    for (pair in ingene) {
        split(pair, t, SUBSEP); 
        if ($1==t[1] && $2>=t[2] && $2<=ingene[t[1],t[2]]) {
            state=(t[1] " " t[2] " " ingene[t[1],t[2]])
    print $0, " ", state 

Final result

Here we can see all SNPs and INDELs which are inside a relevant region. We have successfully made two gff:s containing all gene positions for genes with variants and genes without. Along the way we also got a list of all genes that contain variants too.

Extra task

Re-do the files but this time include the gene ID (i.e. FBtr0089178 from column nine) and translate that into the full gene name found in this file.


awk 'FNR==1{++fileidx} fileidx==1{split($9,a,";|:");ingene[$1,$4,$5]=a[2]} fileidx==2{FS="\t";name[$3]=$5} fileidx==3{state="Not in gene";for (trip in ingene) {split(trip, t, SUBSEP); if ($1==t[1] && $2>=t[2] && $2<=t[3]) {state=(t[1] "\t" t[2] "\t" t[3] "\t" name[ingene[t[1],t[2],t[3]]])}} print $0, "\t", state }' Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4_genesCDSs.gff3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded_fb_2020_06.tsv indels_Drosophila_chr4 > SNPsInNamedGenes_Drosophila_ch4
./in_named.awk Drosophila_melanogaster.chr4_genesCDSs.gff3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded_fb_2020_06.tsv indels_Drosophila_chr4 > SNPsInNamedGenes_Drosophila_ch4

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
    if (fileidx==1){
    if (fileidx==2){
    if (fileidx==3){
        state="Not in gene";
        for (trip in ingene) {
            split(trip, t, SUBSEP); 
            if ($1==t[1] && $2>=t[2] && $2<=t[3]) {
                state=(t[1] "\t" t[2] "\t" t[3] "\t" name[ingene[t[1],t[2],t[3]]])
        print $0, "\t", state 

Look at the distribution of genes:

awk -F"\t" '{print $10}' SNPsInNamedGenes_Drosophila_ch4 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n