03.Data extraction **
The output from a molecular dynamics (MD) program looks like the one bellow. Although it is easy to read, it is rather inconvenient to analyse the data.
MD step: 0
Pressure: 0.332328E-03 au 0.977743E+10 Pa
Potential Energy: -1039.8363386148 H -28295.3864 eV
MD Kinetic Energy: 1.0930263164 H 29.7428 eV
Total MD Energy: -1038.7433122983 H -28265.6437 eV
MD Temperature: 0.0009500446 au 300.0000 K
MD step: 10
Pressure: 0.335165E-03 au 0.986088E+10 Pa
Potential Energy: -1039.9197980557 H -28297.6575 eV
MD Kinetic Energy: 1.1714204733 H 31.8760 eV
Total MD Energy: -1038.7483775824 H -28265.7815 eV
MD Temperature: 0.0010181838 au 321.5166 K
MD step: 20
Pressure: 0.348121E-03 au 0.102421E+11 Pa
Potential Energy: -1039.9631365733 H -28298.8368 eV
MD Kinetic Energy: 1.2021764632 H 32.7129 eV
Total MD Energy: -1038.7609601101 H -28266.1239 eV
MD Temperature: 0.0010449165 au 329.9581 K
a) Write an Awk script to collect the "MD temperature" in one column vs. the "MD step" i.e. which is much nicer format to plot, analyze or read by other programs.
0 300.0000
10 321.5166
20 329.9581
b) Can you tabulate all values against the "MD step"
0 0.977743E+10 -28295.3864 29.7428 -28265.6437 300.0000
10 0.986088E+10 -28297.6575 31.8760 -28265.7815 321.5166
20 0.102421E+11 -28298.8368 32.7129 -28266.1239 329.9581
Possible solutions:
$ awk '/MD step/{step= $3} /MD Temperature:/ {print step, $5 }' md.out
b) here is an easy solution:
$ awk '/MD step/{step= $3; getline; press= $4; getline; pe= $5; getline; ke= $6; getline; te= $6; getline; t=$5; print step,press,pe,ke,te,t} ' md.out
$ awk 'BEGIN {RS=" K\n"} {print $3, $7, $13, $20, $27, $33}' md.out
gnuplot tips
Here is an example if you want to quickly visualize the output with gnuplot
. Note the additional escape character\
in front of "
and "\n".
$ gnuplot
plot "< awk 'BEGIN {RS=\" K\\n\"} {print $3, $7, $13, $20, $27, $33}' md.out " u 1:6 w lp lt 7