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Color output with custom keywords

There are few tools to highlight different language syntax with colors and they are excellent tools for what they are designed. Some time I would like to use my own keywords for highlighting and this always turns to be a difficult task.

Here is a small script that highlights provided keywords (or simple regular expressions) on the fly. For convenience, I made it possible to choose between some predefined color schemes.

3300.42   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3436.45   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3382.03   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3360.05   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3709.4   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3647.54   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3683.93   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3703.93   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3670.12   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3654.3   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3710.58   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3643.06   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3535.59   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3668.44   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3638.55   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3576.47   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3735.93   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3625.43   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3740.8   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3673.06   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3723.15   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3703.71   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3682.4   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3693.42   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3551.17   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3704.16   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3732.31   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3705.08   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3724.14   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3658.92   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3700.88   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3707.23   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3645.98   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3709.66   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3681.21   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3682.88   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3704.9   H2O_H-bonded   DVR/
3600.96   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3663.54   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3710.52   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3708.11   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3717.28   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3751   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3722   NOT_H-bonded   DVR/
3703.76   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3805.29   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3651.37   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3766.86   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3698.48   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
3692.41   CO2_H-bonded   DVR/
$ cat freq-dvr.out | color.awk 2H2O_H-bonded 1NOT_H-bonded 3CO2_H-bonded


#!/usr/bin/awk -f
  nARGC= ARGC; ARGC=1 # Trick the command line to ignore the files and use them as options

  c[0]= "\033[97;41m" # white-red
  c[1]= "\033[31;1m"  # red
  c[2]= "\033[32;1m"  # green
  c[3]= "\033[33;1m"  # yellow
  c[4]= "\033[34;1m"  # blue
  c[5]= "\033[35;1m"  # magenta
  c[6]= "\033[36;1m"  # cyan
  c[7]= "\033[93;41m" # yellow-red
  cn=   "\033[0m"     # reset

  for (i=1; i< nARGC; i++ ){
    ci= ARGV[i]+0 # color index
    m= ARGV[i]    # match string
    sub(ci,"",m)  # remove color index
    gsub(m, c[ci]"&"cn)  # insert color codes
  print $0

The color scheme is selected by number before the matching string, which limits a bit the functionality, but it keeps the script simple...

Here is an alternative script that has some general keywords and matching criteria predefined. It is straight forward to add your own patterns or remove the unnecessary ones.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
  c[0]= "\033[97;41m" # white-red
  c[1]= "\033[31;1m"  # red
  c[2]= "\033[32;1m"  # green
  c[3]= "\033[33;1m"  # yellow
  c[4]= "\033[34;1m"  # blue
  c[5]= "\033[35;1m"  # magenta
  c[6]= "\033[36;1m"  # cyan
  c[7]= "\033[93;41m" # yellow-red
  cn=   "\033[0m"     # reset

  gsub(/WARNING|Warning|warning/,                         c[2]"&"cn)  # Warning
  gsub(/ERROR|Error|error/,                               c[0]"&"cn)  # Error
  gsub(/FAIL|Fail|fail|FAILED|Failed|failed/,             c[0]"&"cn)  # Failed
  gsub(/([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/,                     c[2]"&"cn)  # IP4 address
  gsub(/([0-9a-fA-F]{2}[:-]){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/,           c[4]"&"cn)  # MAC
  gsub(/[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}/, c[6]"&"cn)  # e-mail
  gsub(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/, c[4]"&"cn)  # web address

  $0= gensub(/(^|[[ ]){1}(OK|Ok)([] ]|$){1}/,           "\\1"c[2]"\\2"cn"\\3",  "g") # OK - special case

  gsub(/[&@][A-Za-z_]+/,                                  c[3]"&"cn)  # @& 
  gsub(/^#SBATCH.*$/,                                     c[6]"&"cn)  # SBATCH
  gsub(/^#.*$/,                                           c[4]"&"cn)  # comment

  print $0