Enviroment to run gapseq
Here is a real-life example - you want to run gapseq
tool with Singularity.
is a program for the prediction and analysis of metabolic pathways and genome-scale networks.
The tool executable are distributed on GitHub. One can not include it in the container, since the tool downloads data and writes into the code folders...
- Create new folder for this project.
- Use the Ubuntu installation instructions.
1 2 3 4 |
- Do not install the SBML tool (not in the above instructions anyway).
- Think (discuss) where to clone the GitHUB repository from line 4.
Note that this particular tool downloads external data into the repository structure, which does not work if you include add the repository in the container itself (the common container format is read-only). Thus, the cloning of the repository should be done in your home or project folder where you can run the program with the long syntax i.e.$ singularity exec ../gapseq.sif ./gapseq doall toy/ecoli.fna.gz
- Start the build and save the output to a file to track down potential errors
$ sudo singularity build ... |& tee build.log
- Clone the git repository - line 4
$ git clone https://github.com/jotech/gapseq && cd gapseq
- Test the container by running the tool that will start the
tool from the github repository.$ singularity exec ../gapseq.sif ./gapseq
$ singularity exec ../gapseq.sif ./gapseq
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Informed prediction and analysis of bacterial metabolic pathways and genome-scale networks
gapseq test
gapseq (find | find-transport | draft | fill | doall | adapt) (.. .)
gapseq doall (genome) [medium] [Bacteria|Archaea]
gapseq find (-p pathways | -e enzymes) [-b bitscore] (genome)
gapseq find-transport [-b bitscore] (genome)
gapseq draft (-r reactions | -t transporter -c genome -p pathways) [-b pos|neg|archaea|auto]
gapseq fill (-m draft -n medium -c rxn_weights -g rxn_genes)
gapseq adapt (add | remove) (reactions,pathways) (model)
gapseq test
gapseq doall toy/ecoli.fna.gz
gapseq doall toy/myb71.fna.gz dat/media/TSBmed.csv
gapseq find -p chitin toy/myb71.fna.gz
gapseq find -p all toy/myb71.fna.gz
gapseq find-transport toy/myb71.fna.gz
gapseq draft -r toy/ecoli-all-Reactions.tbl -t toy/ ecoli-Transporter.tbl -c toy/ecoli.fna.gz -p toy/ ecoli-all-Pathways.tbl
gapseq fill -m toy/ecoli-draft.RDS -n dat/media/ALLmed.csv -c toy/ecoli-rxnWeights.RDS -g toy/ecoli-rxnXgenes.RDS
gapseq adapt add 14DICHLORBENZDEG-PWY toy/myb71.RDS
test Testing dependencies and basic functionality of gapseq.
find Pathway analysis, try to find enzymes based on homology.
find-transport Search for transporters based on homology.
draft Draft model construction based on results from find and find-transport.
fill Gap filling of a model.
doall Combine find, find-transport, draft and fill.
adapt Add or remove reactions or pathways.
-v Show version.
-h Show this screen.
-n Enable noisy verbose mode.
- Try to run
singularity exec ../gapseq.sif ./gapseq test
. Did it pass the tests? What is wrong? The output below shows an output with solved R packages tests. The second problem is related to the repository itself.
$ singularity exec ../gapseq.sif ./gapseq test
gapseq version: 1.1 7c25ca2
#74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 27 22:54:38 UTC 2021
#Checking dependencies#
GNU Awk 5.0.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.2.0)
sed (GNU sed) 4.7
grep (GNU grep) 3.4
This is perl 5, version 30, subversion 0 (v5.30.0) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
tblastn: 2.9.0+
exonerate from exonerate version 2.4.0
bedtools v2.27.1
barrnap 0.9 - rapid ribosomal RNA prediction
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
R scripting front-end version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
git version 2.25.1
Missing dependencies: 0
#Checking R packages#
data.table 1.14.0
stringr 1.4.0
sybil 2.1.5
getopt 1.20.3
reshape2 1.4.4
doParallel 1.0.16
foreach 1.5.1
R.utils 2.10.1
stringi 1.5.3
glpkAPI 1.3.2
BiocManager 1.30.10
Biostrings 2.54.0
jsonlite 1.7.2
CHNOSZ 1.4.0
Missing R packages: 0
#Checking basic functionality#
Optimization test: OK
Command line argument error: Argument "query". File is not accessible: `/opt/gapseq/src/../dat/seq/Bacteria/rev/ fasta'
Blast test: FAILED
Passed tests: 1/2
Here is a working recipe for the exercise: