Container for offline conda installation
Installing conda packages on a computer without Internet is somewhat challenging. One common approach is to conda-pack
your environment, transfer the pack, then unpack it on the other computer - link. Or cache all required packages in a local channel that you can bring offline - link.
Here we will demonstrate an easy way to cache the packages in the container, so you can easily install the same environment on a machine without Internet.
Here is a simple scenario.
$ conda create -y -n test
$ conda install -y -n test python=3.8 pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch-lts -c nvidia
Here is a recipe to cache all necessary packages in the container.
Bootstrap: docker
From: continuumio/miniconda3
export LC_ALL=C
conda info
/bin/bash <<EOF
conda create -y -n test
conda install -y -n test python=3.8 pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch-lts -c nvidia
conda "$@"
$ sudo conda build conda.sif miniconda3.def
The final container is 6.1 GB ...
Then, copy the container on the remote computer without Internet and run exactly the same installation commands --offline
. Note the additional --copy
option as well.
./wharf/conda.sif create -n pytorch-test --offline
./wharf/conda.sif install -n pytorch-test python=3.8 pytorch torchvision
torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch-lts -c nvidia --offline --copy
Here is another variant. You can export your environment
$ conda env export -n my_env > my_env.yaml
Bootstrap: docker
From: continuumio/miniconda3
my_env.yaml /opt
export LC_ALL=C
conda info
conda env create -n test -f /opt/my_env.yaml
conda env remove -n test
conda "$@"
Then on the target machine:
$ ./wharf/conda.sif env create -n my_env -f my_env.yaml --offline --copy